Treatment options

Start the treatment in time so that situation does not get worse. There are a few simple things you can do to help your dog deal with separation issues. These will often prove most effective in combination with each other. You should also talk to your veterinarian, who can help you with a treatment plan including the best treatment options for your dog.

The goal in treatment is to reduce your dog’s sense of fear and anxiety when you leave the house, making the situation easier to manage for both you and your dog.


Are you unintentionally reinforcing anxious behaviour from your dog? If you typically respond to whining or barking by showing your dog affection, you may be making the problem worse by rewarding anxious behaviour. The same is true if you act too excited to see your dog when you arrive home – that can reinforce the sense that it’s a big deal when you go out. On the other hand, if you punish your dog for making a mess while you’re out, you’ll contribute to their anxiety – which will also make the problem worse. The most important thing is to remain calm no matter how your dog is acting or what your dog has done, showing them that everything is alright.


The goal of behaviour modification is to help the dog remain calm, even in a stressful situation like the owner leaving. Therefore, the dog should be rewarded for every calm behaviour, whether spontaneous or on command.

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There are also other techniques that can be used for behaviour modification. Consult your veterianarian or a trained veterinary behaviourist for more information.


Separation anxiety can be treated with prescription medications. It is important to consult your veterinarian as soon as possible, as delaying effective treatment may cause the problem to become worse. Your veterinarian will be able to choose the best option for your dog.

There are currently three authorised medications for the treatment of separation anxiety in dogs: clomipramine, fluoxetine and tasipimidine. These drugs have been rigorously tested and evaluated specifically for dogs both for the efficacy and safety.

If you suspect your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, call your vet today.

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